Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twas the Night before Friday..

As I sit here waiting for a load of laundry to go into the dryer and also wait on sugar cookie dough to chill, I figured this would be a good opportunity to do some blogging.  I'm sure cleaning my house should actually be what I'm doing this very moment, but somehow.. That just doesn't make sense to me right now.

Hello October!

I'm not sure about you, but my goodness am I glad September is over.  What a rough month it has been on the preschool front and never, have I seen and experienced so much crying!  Like I have said several times in the past, I get that transitioning into a large group setting can be intimidating.  I really do.  But, should children still be experiencing anxiety at this point?  When do you have that conversation with parents pertaining to the topic of their child's possiblity that they just may not be ready yet?

I've turned to many professionals on this front and have tried various methods to help both the child and parents.  Bringing in a stuffed animal, have family pictures in the classroom, working on "mom staying" plans..  Even professionals holding 25 years and more, couldn't give me anymore advice than what I already know. 

And the odd thing out of all of the tears and screaming, is that this is happening to at least one child per class, everyday.  Granted, those that are experiencing it are definately new to any large group of children environment.  I even asked one of them today, why they were crying and if they saw anyone else around them doing it too.  The answer was, "No.. and..I don't know why I'm crying."  After he said that, he stopped and went to play in a centre.

I don't get it.  I'm sure you don't either.

Thanksgiving and the Gobble Gobble!

This year we only focused on Thanksgiving for one week; first learning about why we should be thankful and then moving onto feasts and the popular bird, the turkey.  Discussing with three and four year olds what it means to be thankful, can be challenging.  So in order to help, I decided we would create a "Thankful Tree" in the classroom. The students were asked to think of a time when they said thank you, who they said it to, and why they said "Thank you".  Then, an adult scripted it on a cutout of a fall coloured leaf and the child decorated it.  Afterwards, their leaf was placed on our Thankful Tree in our book corner.  Offically, we have over 70 leaves on our tree and the answers are outstanding!  Who knew a three year old would be thankful for all the suppers they get to eat?  Or who knew a four year old would say they're thankful for the times they get to snuggle with their Mom or Dad?

I haven't taken a picture of it, but I'll be sure to and post it next time.

Once that was conquered, we then moved onto feasts and the turkey. 

The four year old classes made their lists of what OUR Thanksgiving dinner at preschool would consist of (Mac and Cheese, Hamburgers, and sliced cucumbers were a must from both classes).  We also made turkeys with construction paper and feathers and tomorrow we`re making Turkey Hats.  We have also learned a Thanksgiving poem that they absoluately love to act out called I'm A Little Turkey. 

(to the tune of I'm a little teapot)

I'm a little turkey, (students put hands on their hips and move from side to side)
Waddling in through town!
Here are my feathers (turn around and shake your bum!)
Orange, Red, and Brown
I will run and hide if I hear you say:  (slowly raise hands and cover your face)
It will soon be Thanksgiving Day! (slowly rub hands on stomach in a circular motion)

We parade around the classroom like a bunch of turkeys at circle time and they go nuts!  It is so funny to watch as they really are a bunch of turkeys to begin with!

Anyways, all this talk about being thankful leads me to ending this post by telling my fellow readers what I am thankful for this year.  This year, I am thankful for my wonderful husband and the family we have started (this meaning our dog Hudson.. THAT IS ALL!), our families, friends..the home we have.. and I am also thankful for the wonderful families I am in contact with everyday as they have created some amazing little people that I learn so much from. 

I am also thankful for all of you who are reading this very sentence!  I cannot BELIEVE how many people are actually following this and find comfort in this blog at times!  Thank you!

Take a second and think about what you are thankful for.  And of course, enjoy your turkey in some great feasting pants too.. I know I will be.

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